AJ – Ebby Infrared

AJ is also pride and joy of Ebby Greys.

AJ was one of the first sons of Aussie Infrared to hit the race track. Bred by Aussie’s trainer Roz Hume and Geoff Collins, AJ has won a stunning 41 races from just over 100 race starts. He shows speed, chase, tenacity and longevity of race career, reflecting soundness of his genes.

While a superstar on the race track, AJ is also well known for his ice cream exploits. You can catch AJ scothing down ice creams in record times after he races on https://www.facebook.com/ebbygreys . AJ also proudly won the 2020 Ice Cream challenge which raised funds for rehoming of greyhounds https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&v=816750805721115&ref=wa

What you got for me this week Mr Ice Cream man?